April 22, 2010


These last couple weeks have not been my best.I have had to go to the Inter mountain health care center twice in like 3 weeks!The first time I couldn't find anyone to take me and because i hurt so bad I just broke down and I just melted down in tears. MY roomate came to comfort me and said she could take me! Then yesterday i needed to go again i asked my roomate if she could take me agaain but she had previous engagements SO my dear friend Michelle Buxton waas able to take me we went to the Urgent Care then to dinner at Brickoven Pizza then to the store, turns out that the first time i went to Urgent Care my right ear drum had EXPLODED which i did not think was possible but it is...obviously,and my left ear was fine.SO the doctor put me on amoxicillan (a prescription drug that helps with ear infections) I was taking the prescription and i started to feel better,so i stopped taking it for a couple days.I was not aware that you have to take a prescription till the whole bottle is gone.then just last night I had a sore throat and I've been feeling dizzy every now and again so something in my equilibrium was off i thought it was another ear infection,but when i went this time i saw a different doctor i told him i had just come in a couple weeks ago and i explained what the doctor had found but he looked in my ears said they were good . I was like "whats the matter then?"he decided on a sinus infection . He must have been right because i took the new prescription (Cefdinir)last night and this morning my throat didn't hurt as bad as it has in the past!


lauren said...

MAN YOU POOR tHING!get felling better and now you know to take the full antibiotic!

Lisa Mc said...

Glad you are feeling better!