May 19, 2008


for Family Home evening tonight we went to the park played some games and talked and stuff! i met a couple of fun guys named brandon and justin!they were fun! they gave me aride back to my apartment! but the real fun part i thought was they had a tight wire there so we got to walk on it! and even me,totally unbalanced miss em (emmy),walked on it granted with some help from chase and barrett! it was so fun tho:O i tryed twice i walked once! then the second time i walked like 2 steps and fell it was a blast tho!


Lisa Mc said...

Wow you are daring!!! I am glad you are having fun!!!

Lindsey said...

Okay why do they have a tight rope?? Are they in the circus? Kidding I'm glad your having SO much fun!!

Jamie and Mike said...

Sounds great! Fun talking to you today!!