July 22, 2009

braiding your bread is fun to do

This picture on top is the one I made.
Just the other night my sister(Lindsey) came over because Jesse was going to be at school till late studying,she recently went to a bread making class(that only charges 20 dollars per person,that includes you eating everything they make too!!)She was taught how to braid (i think she wanted to show off her new skill,who wouldn't?)so we made 3 braided rolls out of one batch! we had a cinamon roll bread(my personal favorite) a maple roll bread,and a orange roll bread! it tasted so good!! What makes it even better, we both had a blast too!


lauren said...

arent they so easy but so pretty!!

Channa said...

I would LOVE to learn how to do this. Beautiful too!

Jamie and Mike said...
