November 20, 2008


remembering dreams,is well,kinda hard for me to do!Last night or early this morning i had a funny dream! OK now anyone that knows my family,knows the call me "CHICK CHICK" but my brother josh tends to do it at a VERY HIGH PITCH TONE OF VOICE!so i had this dream where i was at school,of all places, but i was just walking up this hill and from no where i hear joshes voice yelling "CHICK CHICK"he started coming,yelling my name over and over then the REST OF MY FAMILY starts coming over from all the corners yelling "chick chick" i don't know what this dream means but i think its about high time my family comes and visits me!


Anonymous said...

chick chick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa McIntyre said...

CHICK CHICK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey said...

Your a funny girl!! A trip to Utah would be fun :O)

Lisa Mc said...

How about you come home!! Sis Doxey had surgey yesterday.