September 9, 2008


yesterday,i randomly went to lunch to pick up a snack.this guy ,who I've seen working the cafeteria a few times asked me to sit with him!(or so he says so anyways)I actually asked him if i could sit with him because this must have been the tenth time Ive seen him staring at me!so he said i could and he asked me if i like Latin music! i said,sure its ok, I'm not in LOVE with it but ya i like it! Then he asked me if i wanted to go sometime to go Latin dancing with him sometime,so i said yes of course! anyways he was so cute! he thought i couldn't speak Spanish (he is from Mexico)he said I'm muy Bonita and so i said that my dad served his mission in Spain i can tell what you are saying! and then he asked me if i knew any other language and i said ya sign language! so he showed me the sign for beautiful! it was so awesome! sorry i haven't been posting a lot of stuff its cuz my Internet wont work at my apartment but no need to worry we are getting that taken care of!

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