February 1, 2009

bigger and better

This is the new crock pot i got last night!i chose it out because this, like the one my mom got me you can carry!its just BIGGER and BETTER!i think! At least with this one you can not lose the pieces!I think I will try and use it today!


Lindsey said...

I love your new crockpot!! Hope you make a bunch of yummy dinners!!

Channa said...

That looks like a great crockpot! I need to start using mine more. If you find any great recipes you should post them... :)

lauren said...

thats really nice i want one

Jordan & Heather Wong said...

emily lets do a date night!! i miss u!!

Zach and Zaira Benson said...

so did you use it?

Pamela Williams said...

these are the best. i dont use mine much, because its HUGE and i never feed that many people...but they're handy. and it'll be great when youre married & stuff

im so glad i found your blog!