It was
Saturday afternoon around 4:30,when i get this knock on my door! Who was it you ask? It was my
roommate, Alex!!
I told her to come in...she did as i said ,she asked me not an uncommon question from her! She asked if she could use my cell phone, because she
doesn't have one!(i have been telling her for about a month to get one,i mean
c'mon even my 10 year old cousin has one!)she was like" can i call my dad because i have a dance dress
rehearsal in 2 hours?"
i was like"NOPE, sorry its not my problem,you should have called some one before and set up a time !"so she got
all miffed out and started yelling at me,calling me every name in the book!she was basically throwing
a temper tantrum because i
wouldn't give into her petty
temper tantrum, so i just ,patiently locked my door,in fear that she would come beat me up (that's just the type of person she is)i called my newly married friends
zach and
zaira! They were such good sports
they let me stay over there because i
didn't feel safe sleeping over here!later she did apologize....TO MY
today as most of you guys know was fast and testimony meeting at church!i was
gunna thank my (normal)
roomates for being good friends before i move upstairs,but i had to go to the
bathroom first! little did i know ,but we have TWO chapels in our church,
thats right count them i
accidentally went into the wrong chapel!! OH NO,it gets worse!!so i go up there
im going on and on about my
roomates and i realize my
roomates aren't down there ..."so i say... "
where'd they go" i
keep saying it
repeatedly ..."seriously guys,
where'd they go?"but i thank them bear
my testimony and sit down with these nice people. i was telling them what my
roomates names were and what they looked like i was from mars or something?so then this guy behind me tapped me on the shoulder,and said are you sure your not in the other chapel....i was like ya,i
didnt know there was 2 chapels in this church!